Saturday, November 27, 2010

Jay Park Showcase Winners!!!


Iylia Anis


Sher- Maine Lee!!!

You guys just won yourself ONE ticket to go see Jay Park LIVE in Malaysia!!!!!!
Please redeem your ticket on 4th December 2010, at PICC, Putrajaya!!

Hope you guys have FUN there!!!

Congratulations again!

*More information will be emailed to you latest by 2nd December 2010!

Friday, November 26, 2010

Hallyu Festival - K-Generation chinese release


K-GENERATION Taylor’s University 荣誉呈现
10月30 日
上午 9.30 开始,下午4点结束
泰来大学LT 19



我们爱寒流?呵呵。。错错错! 我们爱的是“韩流”

我们爱帅哥美女? 呵呵。。错错错!我们爱得不只是帅哥美女,帅也要有实力,美也要有内涵!

我们跟潮流? 呵呵。。错错错!我们不是跟潮流,韩流爱好者当中很多已经是老臣子了

我们麻木的追星?呵呵。。错错错! 现在的我们,不再是从前的我们,我们崇拜的不只是样貌,而是有动力,有实力,有爆发力和招好力,也要有良好个性的艺人。


为什么现在的父母也跟着孩子追韩星,还是赞成自己的孩子追星呢? 因为他们知道,和了解自己孩子的偶像是拥有良好行为和值得学习的一面。


这也是为什么我们对他们死心塌地。很多外界人士觉得我们很疯狂,对,他们没错,我们是很疯狂。我们能够为了自己的偶像,即使他们没有在现场,我们也能够为他们举办聚会,生日会,为他们默默地应援,在离他们遥远的地方表现出我们对他们的支持。这是因为我们晓得,他们经历的一切。依然不了解为什么 韩流明星如此厉害,请各位做做调查,了解了解。

这次我们K-GENERATION 第一次举办的年度盛会就是韩流聚会,一个让大马韩流爱好者聚集与交流的平台。之前,我一直有个想法,很想把所有人喜欢韩流的人们来个强大的聚会。所以自我创办K-GENERATION这个韩流学会的时候,就开始有这个想法,无论如何,我一定要做一次。这个聚会,成功吸引了150 余观众,我们的票务在公开发售的第一天已经成功搜尽! 这是我万万没想过的情况。话说当我知道这件事情的时候,还少不了大吃一惊,之前还担心没有人要来呢,毕竟是一场没有艺人的聚会。这次的聚会主要是fan cheering(fans 视频观赏), cover dance 演出,和艺能比赛。


早上7点到达大学,继续做sound check ,彩排,布置的工作。虽然在校园内举办这种聚会很多时候,我们不能随心所欲。每个小小的步骤,都必须跟着学校校规进行。所以我们没有把整个场地布置为韩流明星的海报什么的。就是很简单的赞助商宣传工具,以及少许海报。8点开始,Epsilon, JSY,PROGRESSION 三大cover dance Team 陆续彩排。[衷心感谢他们的到来,为我们韩流聚会添加色彩]

这次的聚会也成功聚集了8个主要韩流明星后援会出席,当中有,东方神起,Bing Bang, Super Junior, Ft Island, 2NE1, 4 Minute, SS501, U-kiss, Beast, Shinee. 整场聚会播放有关他们的视频,这都是以上后援会制作的优良作品,里面包括,偶像们的后台,演出,有开心的镜头,也有感人的时刻。成功让全场观众落泪的是东方神起的视频,无可否认,实在是太伤感,太想念,太感动了。在播放视频的当儿,全长观众一起声援,一起拍手,一起大喊自己偶像的名字,表示支持。当我站上观众席最顶端,看着大家热烈的反应,真的很感动。这是我们韩流爱好者的行动,我们就是这样无条件的追随偶像的脚步。




聚会已开始就由身为K-GENERATION 的主席在台上说了几句话,感谢大家的支持。在播放东方神起视频完毕后,我又忍不住站上抬上说了几句话。无可否认,我是不打折扣的 仙后阿~呵呵。。在台上说了我们要Always Keep The Faith

在播放视频的中间,会穿插cover dance的表演,他们真的棒极了,我相信在场的每一位是拍手拍到累。。大家跟着唱歌,欢呼,应该很难忘吧。从来没有尝试过这样聚集几个偶像组合的聚会,这次真的玩风了。随着他们的舞蹈进入高潮,抽奖也是聚会不少得的时候.

舞蹈比赛也是另外一个受瞩目的焦点。 3组舞蹈团体分别由Dawn’s Arch, Ruffneckz 和 N.E. 最后赛果也是以上顺序排列。如果大家有留意Astro 的 battle ground 应该会看到Ruffneckz, 他们赞!他们的G-dragon, 他们的heart breaker ,让全场观众拍手叫好,这是第二次的高潮哦! 感谢他们的卖力演出。Dawn’s Arch 跳的 Good girl Bad girl 更是让人感叹,穿着高跟鞋,穿着和Miss A 相似的服饰,在舞蹈中变身更是精彩。N.E 的表演更是让大家惊叹他们在短短时间内联系成功!

Dawn’s Arch



在中间,我们有小小的艺能演出,现场的观众也很大方的赞现自己的表演欲!呵呵。。那个tae yang 的wedding dress 表演,更是让人欢呼不已,谢谢Lancerie 先生啊。[以上提及的组合,和名字,如果大家对他们有更多的了解请在Facebook搜索即可!]最后聚会的尾声,我们还有Tohu游戏,韩服式穿活动。


现在来感谢以下给我们赞助专辑的My destiny Collection, 给我赞助小礼物的Darawa, 给我们杂志赞助的YG 和 EPOP,感谢韩国观光公社赞助的小礼物,也要多谢给我们食物赞助的 The Street Café, 最后感谢给我们赞助Jay Park Fan Meeting 入场卷的 Absolutely Pop Resources.


首先还是要谢谢自己的勇气和冲动,要不是因为勇气和冲动K-GENERATION 基本上不会成立。在来谢谢我的全体工作人员,没有他们,我想这场聚会也不会圆满结束。谢谢义工工作人员,和摄影师,要不是你们,这场聚会不会这么顺利完成。对于各位来宾,我又是感谢,又是歉意。抱歉我们的音响系统途中出现问题,中间出现的小状况,因为得到大家的谅解心里非常感谢和愧疚。 这场聚会是我们第一场收费聚会,大家在作业和考试最多的时候筹备,筹委会员基本上只开过两次次会议。要聚集大家不是简单的难,实在是因为时间和作业的关系尽量的抽空帮忙策划了。我知道这期间大家都很累,所以在次谢谢大家的体谅与谅解。我相信,经过这次的经验,我们会继续努力做到更好。


Thursday, November 25, 2010

We are looking for...U!

That's right!
We want those who are interested in joining in team K-Gen 2011!
We are looking for people to fill in the shoes of these positions :

Club Director
- Organizes recruitment drives
- Keep tabs on the registered members (ie : keep up to date with the registered members)
- Contact members about K-Gen activities

Creative Manager
- In charge of creating banners, flyers, and other promotional item.
- Able to come up with interesting/ innovative ideas to attract membership (works closely with Club Director)
- To present ideas on the decoration of an event (if needed)
- To help in creating an interactive and visually entertaining blog

PR Manager
- To scout for companies in which K-Gen can be represented in a positive light
- To keep contact with them if any problems, events or support are needed.

Assistant PR Manager
- To assist PR Manager in contacting third parties

Assistant Secretary
- To help secretary in ensuring all forms are complete (Grammatically and full details enclosed) to be sent to relevant parties
- To assist in any reporting of events and minutes of meetings

Assistant Treasurer
- To assist Treasure in maintaining a healthy balance sheet
- To assist in bank transactions when needed

You must be...
Responsible, Pleasant personality, and good team player...but MOST of all, have a HUGE BURSTING enthusiasm for K-pop!

Why should I Apply?
Insider/ first hand information on everything (Backstage has never been this cool!), able to build leadership skills, communication skills and teamworking skills. Also, get a chance to attend events (subject to availability).

Apply now to be part of an exciting crew!
Application form

Application closes on 24th December 2010!*
*updated on 1st December 2010

We will review your application and selected individuals will be picked to have a little chat with us!

Good Luck!

Catch Beast in KOREA!!!!

Hey guys! Another good news from K-GENERATION!
Universal Music Malaysia contacted us regarding the Beast Concert in Seoul!
Check it out and refer to the below information given by Universal Music in Malaysia.

Hey, Beauty! We have something massive up our sleeves for you in January 2011 – the biggest K-Pop Party in Malaysia has ever seen! But before that, how would you like to catch Beast LIVE in action at their Welcome to Beast Airline concert in Seoul on December 12? It's simple!
Just SMS BEAST to 2016 to purchase...Beast Caller Tunes at RM9, exclusive for DiGi customers. Alternatively, You also can buy a copy of Beast’s Mastermind CD and fill in the form Check out for more details on how you could take part. Hurry and send in your entries now![via Universal Music Malaysia]

Another good news from Universal Music is:
There will be a KPOP party in Malaysia on January 2011!!!!
Stay with us in K-GENERATION Taylor's (K-GEN) IN FACEBOOK or follow our blog for more details!
Information will be released soon!

Monday, November 22, 2010


JAY PARK COMPLIMENTARY TICKETS GIVEAWAY is coming to an end TONIGHT (Monday, 22nd November 2010)!!!
Have you guys submitted your answers?

Please refer to previous blog post for more details!

Don't miss out on this GOLDEN Opportunity to meet the guy himself, right here in Malaysia!

Details of the event :

Date : 4th December 2010
Venue : Putrajaya International Convention Centre, Putrajaya
Time : 2pm (of course!)

More details, go to!

Friday, November 19, 2010

Jay Park Fan Meet 2010 in Malaysia-Complimentary Ticket Giveaway !

Annyeonghaseyo K-Gen members!

The much anticipated Jay Park Fan Meet 2010 - Complimentary Ticket Giveaway is finally here!
Palli palli (quick quick) take a look!

Jay Park Fan Meet 2010 in Malaysia- Complimentary Ticket Giveaway
Contest duration *12am (19th November 2010 --- 11.59pm 22nd November 2010)*

To enter, simply answer the following questions :-

1. When was the year Jay Park first debuted as a 2PM member?
2. In the most creative way, please state out what would you like Jay Park to do for you that day.

Email your answer and details (Name, Taylors ID, Course, Contact Number and Email address to
*Incomplete emails would not be entertained

A Taylor-ian but not a K-Gen member yet?
Sign up now!
(*Please refer to link on the left toolbar)

*This competition is open exclusively for K-Gen Taylor-ians ONLY.
*Only TWO winners will be chosen with each receiving ONE ticket.
*K-Gen Taylor-ians are encourage to submit as many emails as possible, however they are only entitled for ONE ticket.
*Only answers from Email will be accepted.
*K-Gen receives the right to reject any entry (ie :incomplete, non K-Gen member, non Taylor-ian) on their discretion.
*Terms and condition apply.

Results will be announced on 27th November 2010. Winners will be notified through K-Gen FB status, phone call and email.


The tickets are sponsored by :

Saturday, November 6, 2010


Hey peeps!
Hope you guys are now well rested after all those screaming during our Hallyu Festival a week ago! Gosh, time flies by so fast!

The new admins are now planning for next year activities, and we DO NEED FEEDBACKS or SUGGESTIONS on what activities that we can organize.

Some suggested questions from Hallyu Festival 2010 :

1.What are the highlights that you enjoyed during the event?

2. What are the things that we can improve?

3. What other activities could we have come up with?

4. Would you attend our next events?

5. Are there anything that you can contribute to make the event more successful? (Any connections that are willing / interested in participating?)

You do not have to answer each one exactly, we just need to know what you think about our event, and how can we improve it for the future events.

I agree with the bigger venue, that means we sacrifice video viewing since the hall does not give Perfect ambience for the video viewing.
Just a thought..we appreciate whatever comments we received!

Please email all suggestions to! :D

Happy holidays to those about to start a new term and good luck to all those sitting for exams!

Monday, November 1, 2010

Hallyu K-Gen

by Admin Amily

United through passion. These will be the words to describe those present for the K-Generation (K-Gen) Taylors University, Lakeside Campus first Hallyu (Korean Wave) festival held in Taylors lecture theatre on 30th October 2010. With the 200 seater lecture theatre filled to the brim by 10.30am, the spirit of hallyu can truly be felt buzzing in the air.

This festival aims at providing a platform for Korean entertainment (better known as K-pop) and Korean culture fans to gather and share their interest together. The K-Gen team certainly had their hands full with an overwhelming response, with over 600 facebook users who were interested in the event when the targeted audience was just 200, due to the venue constraint.

Nevertheless, the K-Gen team did their best in putting together a spectacular event for the audience. The event started off with a short speech by K-Gen president, Angelyna Chai, followed by a roll call of all the attending fan clubs. A total of 8 Malaysian fan clubs representing their artistes attended the event, namely SHINee, Big Bang, 2NE1, FT Island, TVXQ, Super Junior, 4Minute and Beast.

The event kicked off with a performance by Progression, K-Gen’s main crowd puller. Progression consist of 10 boys, who shot to fame by winning Korea Tourism Organization’s Korean Wave Contest(KWC) early this year which earned them a chance to perform in Korea.

In this event, Progression prepared 4 dance routines, dancing to their famous Bonamana(Super Junior), TVXQ mix, Soom (BEAST) and I'll be back(2PM). The crowd went wild for them, and some were even seen to dance enthusiastically to the catchy beat and dance moves. This group definitely knows how to please the crowd.

Besides Progression, there was also a performance by Epsilon, the 1st runner up of KWC. This group consists of 5 girls famous for their SHINee covers. However, only 4 of them managed to attend the event but this did not dampen the crowd’s spirit as they managed to make the crowd asking for an encore after their flawless first performance of Miss A’s song, Breathe.

Another group synonymous to the KWC also is JSY, who are known for their energetic moves to 4Minute covers. Again, they did not fail to disappoint the audience although missing a member by delivering yet another unforgettable performance of a 4minute mix songs.

The event also provided opportunities to the participating fan clubs to showcase their artistes’s achievements and journey to fame since their first debut. This came in the form of a 10 minute video viewing for each fan club. Suprisingly, the crowd reacted as if the artistes were right in front of them and cheered as loudly as they could. The lecture theatre was also buzzing with fans singing along to their artiste’s hit songs and even danced along in their seats.

A break ensued in midway the event with food sponsored by The Street Cafe. The fans were quick to return to their seats after the break, anticipating the next highlight of the event which was the dance competition. This competition attracted 3 participating teams, with 2 being teams from Taylors and 1 from the public.

Although there were some technical glitches faced, the emcees were quick to rectify it by keeping the crowd occupied by organizing lucky draws. The prizes range from mouse pads courtesy of Korea Plaza to a TVXQ Korean edition CD courtesy of Darawa, an online shopping blog. An impromptu talent show was also held, with 4 participants volunteering to dance and sing.

Finally it was the announcement of the results of the dance competition. The first place went to an all-girls group, Dawn’s Arch, followed by Ruffneckz and N.E. The VIPs and performers were also given a token of appreciation. It also came to a surprise to all when Progression announced that this will be their final performance for the year.

Before the event wrapped up, a photo session took place. Besides that, there was also an opportunity for the audience to try on hanbok, which are Korean traditional clothes, as well as a game of Tuho, sponsored by Korea Plaza. A display of fan collection items as well as message writing to artistes were also held outside the lecture theatre.

Although the event faced some hiccups, the K-Gen team hoped that they had at least managed to create an awareness on the popularity of Hallyu, not only in Taylors campus, as well as to the public. Certainly K-Gen had achieved this halfway as this event attracted many curious journalists and even passerbys. Hopefully, this would be a great stepping stone for K-Gen to organize bigger and better events in the upcoming years.

The other sponsors of this event were YG and epop magazines as well as Besides that, they have also received complimentary tickets for Jay Park showcase tickets sponsored by absolutelypop.

K-Gen is a non-profit club set up in Taylors University, Lakeside Campus, aiming at providing a platform for youths in Malaysia to gather and share their interest in Korean culture and entertainment. They can be contacted through Facebook at K- Generation(K-Gen) Taylors, or email